
Monday, September 22, 2008

the result

Okay, I have to say...I make REALLY GOOD cinnamon rolls. Oh man.

Okay, it's out of my system now.

I did what I planned: I had some carrots and celery, some cottage cheese with pepper, water, and a handful of grapes, and then I had a cinnamon roll. I won't have any other sweets today. I am allowing myself to be satisfied with the amount I've already consumed.


Jen said...

Proud of you Char! I wish I had the motivation to start losing is just slightly overwhelming with the whole homeschool thing going on. I can barely get dinner made every night, but I sure seem to find a lot to eat!

pcerik said...

Eating is my automatic response to stress. I started this blog to help me get ready. You'll notice that I didn't start exercising right when I had planned to, but I knew I would. I just needed time. That's what you may need; time to figure all that stuff out. It's hard to homeschool. Good for you!

jen said...

Charlotte you are awsome!! I am now hiding food from family members so that I can enjoy them all to myself...sound like an addict? I'd say yes! I need to jump back on the bandwagon and visiting your blog is inspiration. Love ya, Jen